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Добавил: Черный Ворон | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 5009 |
Anime Mix - E.T. Dubstep
Автор: KonataGuy
Аниме: см. в описании
Музыка: Katy Perry – E.T. (dubstep remix)
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: After a week of hard work im finally done with this, and i love it so much :D im proud idk what happened to the quality at the end :( Anime used - just tell me what you want to know. Добавлено по заказу Angelochek_1998_tvoy1.A Certain Magical Index (TV) 2. Air 3. Ashita no Kimi to Au Tame ni (~Till I Reach Your 4. Tomorrow~) (Game) 4.Black Lagoon (TV) 5. Bakuretsu Tenshi 6. Bamboo Blade (TV) 7.Claymore (TV) 8. Casshern Sins (TV) 9. Chaos;HEAd (TV) 10. Clannad (TV) 11. Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) 12. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (TV) 13. D.C.II S.S. ~Da Capo II Second Season~ (TV) 14. Ef - a tale of melodies. (TV) 15. Ef - a tale of memories (TV) 16. Ef - The Latter Tale (Game) 17. Eiken 18. FLCL (Fooly Cooly) 19. Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu 20. Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) 21. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) 22. GANTZ 23. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 24. Gintama 25. Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The (Movie) 26. H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~ (TV) 27. Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger (TV) 28. Haruiro Ouse (game) 29. Hayate the Combat Butler (TV) 30. Hell Girl (TV) 31. Hidamari Sketch × 365 (TV) 32. Hyakko (TV) 33. Ikkitousen 34. Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (TV) 35. Kanon (anime) 36. Kemeko Deluxe! (TV) 37. Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho (TV) 38. Kodomo no Jikan (A Child's Time) (TV) 39. Kujibiki Unbalance 40. Lucky Star (TV) 41. Macross Frontier (TV) 42. Maria Holic (TV) 43. Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The (TV) 44. Mezzo Forte (OVA) 45. Minami-ke (TV) 46. Minami-ke: Okawari (TV) 47. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (TV) 48. Myself ; Yourself (TV) 49. Naruto Shippūden (TV) 50. Neon Genesis Evangelion 51. Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone 52. One Piece 53. Origin ~Spirits of the Past~ (movie) 54. Ouran High School Host Club (TV) 55. Primitive Link (PC) 56. School Rumble 57. School Rumble 2 (TV) 58. Shakugan no Shana (TV) 59. Shakugan no Shana Second (TV) 60. Shuffle! 61. Shugo Chara! (TV) 62. Sketchbook - full color's 63. So long, Mr. Despair (TV) 64. Soul Eater (TV) 65. Starship Operators 66. Sumomomo Momomo (TV) 67. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Kirameki Youko Box 68. Tiger x Dragon (TV) 69. ToHeart2 (OVA) 70. Tsuyokiss - Cool×Sweet (TV) 71. Utawarerumono 72. Witchblade (TV) 73. Yogurting (Promo) 74. Zegapain (TV) 75. Zero no Tsukaima
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (8) |
Добавил: Mina | 24 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 4626 |
Joined by Blood
Автор: KnX
Аниме: Berserk.
Музыка: In Flames - The Quiet Place.
Награды: Best Technical, Best Action, Judge Choice на Аnimes-bg AMV contest 2006.
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий заказавшего: Для Gabe 37 и всех кто любит такой жанр.
Добавлено по заказу EXTERMINATOR
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Добавил: Черный Ворон | 4 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 5713 |
Автор: TheLuminaireShow
Аниме: Angel Beats
Музыка: Nadia Ali - Pressure (Alesso Remix)
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: Believe it or not, this is my very first AMV ever. However, I've been wanting to make one for nearly 10 years. I simply never had the resources, skill or dedication to do one. If I was going to make an AMV, I wanted to make damn sure I put the effort in.
The hardest part is finding the clips themselves that you want to use, as it's very time consuming. The rest is just synching clips to the music, which in my own opinion if you don't bother to do, your AMV is not going to flow well and will feel disjointed. Effects are limited and it's mostly timing that I tried to focus on.
Constructive criticism is most certainly welcome, as I definitely plan to do more. Thanks for watching!
Добавлено по заказу Mugetsu
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (3) |
Добавил: Черный Ворон | 4 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 5088 |
Vise Versa
Автор: Kylso
Студия: New Line
Аниме: 5 Centimeters per Second, Beyond the Clouds, Hoshi o Ou Kodomo, Steins; Gate, The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kara no Kyoukai
Музыка: The Flashbulb – Undiscovered Colors
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Kylso: Хотелось бы сказать, что изначально во время работы, после месяца монтажа, я думал самое сложное наконец закончено, оказывается нет... все только начиналось... :(
Добавлено по заказу Elekem
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Добавил: New_Overmind | 4 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 6092 |
Just another random mep
Автор: MEP
Студия: Modern Art Studio
Аниме: Gintama, Towq no quon, Sacred Seven, Accel World, Jormungand, Hidan no Aria, Guilty Crown, Mirai Nikki, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Музыка: Modestep-To The Stars (Break The Noize The Autobots Remix)
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: MEP, Действие
Описание: MEP сделанный за три дня, по условию конкурса Iron Chef Speed Proof. Автор, аниме - время парта: Aksilirator, Gintama 0:13-0:38 Example, Towq no quon 0:39-1:06 NightSlayer, Sacred Seven 1:07-1:19 RaZor, Accel World 1:20-1:35 allroid, Jormungand 1:36-2:02 Bulkicher, Hidan no Aria 2:03-2:22 Hungry Bobo, Guilty Crown 2:23-2:44 NewOvermind, Mirai Nikki 2:45-3:04 Ariant, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 3:05-3:34
| MEP, Действие | Комментарии (7) |
Добавил: Черный Ворон | 4 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 5538 |
High Correction
Автор: Skydean
Студия: Sora no Kagami
Аниме: Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangaichi, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Музыка: Shaka Ponk - How we Kill Stars
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: Hi guys ! Here is my new video! I sent it for the Japan Expo AMV contest 2012 and I got the 4th place! Amazing isn't it? Yeah, I can't believe it too =P
The intro is a troll for my team mates who didn't know I joined the contest and as most of them (and I) were at the Japan expo this year, we watched it on the giant screen! I wish you could have been there to see their reactions, that was priceless! =D
I hope you'll enjoy this one which is now my best AMV and moreover: the source of a lot of very cheerful memories ^^ Greetings, life is awesome! =)
Добавлено по заказу Elekem
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (5) |
Добавил: Черный Ворон | 4 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 6136 |
Ballad of the Nice Guy
Автор: MysteriousRyder
Аниме: Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid
Музыка: Chester See, KevJumba, Ryan Higa - Nice Guys Finish Last
Награды: Anime Expo 2012 AMV Contest - Best Comedy and Judge's Choice, Fanime 2012 FMV Contest - Best of Show and Best Comedy, Anime Mid-Atlantic 2012 AMV Contest - Viewer's Choice and Best Comedy
Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: The song, "Nice Guys Finish Last," was introduced to me by two friends. At the time, although the song was amusing, I had thought it was "okay." However, one of my friends ended up bringing up how great the song was again and again, playing it at times in the car. I had seen the music video, and was impressed by it (extremely funny), but still didn't feel that much love for the song. Finally, one day, when it was played in the car one last time, I decided to really pay attention to the song more and give it a chance, and found it more amusing.
That night, I had gone to bed when I suddenly realized, wait a minute - I can use this song for my next comedy AMV! The song had come out in May 2011 and was very new. At the same time, no one had created an AMV for it yet (at least, I hadn't found one entered in the contests). I then knew I had to make one before anyone else does.
Добавлено по заказу Elekem
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Добавил: Черный Ворон | 3 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 5644 |
Ningyo Hime
Автор: Slavka90
Аниме: Chobits
Музыка: Tanaka Rie – Ningyo Hime
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Приятного просмотра.
Добавлено по заказу Slavka90
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (5) |
Добавил: Черный Ворон | 3 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 4651 |
Playing with Time
Автор: xubst
Аниме: Black Butler
Музыка: Broken Iris - Broken Inside
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Editing Style: Depends the anime and the song im using :D! Animes you use: hard questions, well depending ont he song i use an anime that will fit the mood of the song :D! Why you want to join: becuase i wanna get better and better, trying to amke more and more friends ans pass a great time with them ^^! i love new experiences :D!
YAY! I FINISHED ANOTHER VIDEO! Well, mini amv, im having some problems with doind the whole song, but im having a lot of fun editing the song and trying to find a good anime for it. Hod do i begin this description....oh yeah well i watched the first episode of kuroshitsuji second season, and i really loved it, really! really! :D! i was like *spechless* like an hoour and then i decide to make a video with it, the problem was that the episode was not avaible in any anime donwload pages! so i have to thank TheEdgyBubble, for the advice and when i watched her video i was like......O.O! so now my energy fo making a video of it was 150% haha XD!
Thank you alot for the support, i was really happy that you helped meehhh! *TACKLES YOU*
What else....oh yeah, the song choice, oh god, it was really difficult i was seraching for a good song for this episode, and one that will not cost me lots of effects because there is only one episode! (why?! i want more) so i was lintening to some song and this came out, and i have to admit that i was doubting at the beginning! This song is really awesome, i just loved it! the menaing is just PERFECT! and i thought that maybe i will hate the result at the end, but i htink is not that bad, i was out of scenes at the second part of the chorus, but the idea of making all coming back was really help full, i think it looks good! :D! *i think.... *.*! but i need your opinions tooo!
Добавлено по заказу Mugetsu
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (5) |
Добавил: Черный Ворон | 3 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 6228 |
Until He Died
Автор: PawnedKabuto
Аниме: Naruto
Музыка: Flyleaf - Circle
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: Woah! It's been since December since I've uploaded anything?! Hope you guys didn't think I died... no pun intended. Anyway, I finished this video ages ago and just now decided to upload it. It's a pretty simple video but I think it turned out fine. I have a whole bunch of new videos coming out, most not even including Naruto (hint: I'm obsessed with Hetalia now), including the 1,000+ subs video, and I'll be uploading a few betas on my backup account this week. And yes, this video has SasuNaru in it... never thought I'ed do that again but it just fit so well. ENJOY! And watch in HD if you want.
Story: Not too complicated, the video is in Sasuke and Sakura's point of view towards Naruto and is in past tense til the end. Sasuke and Sakura reflect on all the things Naruto did for them and how they always took him for granted and were having nightmares of Naruto's death. At some point Naruto confessed to Sakura about his feelings for her but she didn't believe him (funny how it's the exact opposite in the show). Naruto was also in love with Sasuke as well, but he didn't believe him either since Sasuke thought Naruto was just in love with Sakura. Sasuke is also very jealous of Sakura, he even saw them kiss. Then Sasuke kills Naruto, Sakura becomes mad but then looks for Sasuke (who got an upgraded Sharingan because he killed Naruto) and tells him that Naruto's feelings for Sasuke were genuine. Sasuke feels guilty, cries, decides to go back to Konoha, everyone forgives him and he visits Naruto's grave and Sakura's there too. Happy ending... except Naruto's still dead... but happy ending for people who hate him. I hope you'll be able to take the video seriously after this horrible description. I don't think I will.
Добавлено по заказу Mugetsu
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (6) |
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