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Добавил: Черный Ворон 1152 | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 3507 |
Автор: xMayuAmakurax
Аниме: Clannad,Code Geass, Chrno Crusade, Kobato, Gurren Lagann, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Bleach, Black Cat, Romeo x Juliet
Музыка: SIA - My Love
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: First off, I still have this song in my head. And it's not cool. Even though I do love it. Secondly, it's a present for my dear brother who loves me very much... :D
Oohh shocking, an emotional AMV again XD If you know me at all you would know I love angst because well... I do. And angsty couples are the best. Which is what I was going for in this. I was going for a tragic romance because I know if it's something I'm good at in AMVs it's editing with sadness, and with a long song like this I need to use a lot of pairings if I wanted to finish this in time. But with all these pairings it's hard to equally space them out. Thus, I really lacked in Chrno clips. Anyway, I used up a lot of GB before I encoded it so that really made me lose some things because I had to delete stuff beforehand so I kept on thinking to myself, "This better be worth it." And it kinda did XD So enjoy the angstness...to those who noticed before I did...I'm pissed off that there's a millisecond of subs....after rewatching this vid a few times and yeah e__e
Oh, and like I said this is for my brother's birthday. He turned a very good age...mighty fine age.. =w= I really wanted to do something because I don't wanna buy something he'll just forget and I didn't finish the video I wanted to give him last year (mostly because my style changed a lot from then and he already saw some of it) I'm such a good sister 8D... So with that, I leave you with a really long video. That you probably will delete off your computer one day...I love you, champ :DD
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