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Добавил: Черный Ворон 1152 | 3 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 4628
Playing with Time

Автор: xubst
Аниме: Black Butler
Музыка: Broken Iris - Broken Inside
Категория: AMV Клипы

Editing Style: Depends the anime and the song im using :D!
Animes you use: hard questions, well depending ont he song i use an anime that will fit the mood of the song :D!
Why you want to join: becuase i wanna get better and better, trying to amke more and more friends ans pass a great time with them ^^! i love new experiences :D!

Well, mini amv, im having some problems with doind the whole song, but im having a lot of fun editing the song and trying to find a good anime for it.
Hod do i begin this description....oh yeah well i watched the first episode of kuroshitsuji second season, and i really loved it, really! really! :D! i was like *spechless* like an hoour and then i decide to make a video with it, the problem was that the episode was not avaible in any anime donwload pages! so i have to thank TheEdgyBubble, for the advice and when i watched her video i was like......O.O! so now my energy fo making a video of it was 150% haha XD!

Thank you alot for the support, i was really happy that you helped meehhh! *TACKLES YOU*

What else....oh yeah, the song choice, oh god, it was really difficult i was seraching for a good song for this episode, and one that will not cost me lots of effects because there is only one episode! (why?! i want more) so i was lintening to some song and this came out, and i have to admit that i was doubting at the beginning! This song is really awesome, i just loved it! the menaing is just PERFECT! and i thought that maybe i will hate the result at the end, but i htink is not that bad, i was out of scenes at the second part of the chorus, but the idea of making all coming back was really help full, i think it looks good! :D! *i think.... *.*! but i need your opinions tooo!

Добавлено по заказу Mugetsu

 (голосов: 17)
| AMV Клипы

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