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Добавил: Well hime 2496 | 10 марта 2012 | Просмотров: 3786
Disco 4.0

Автор: GuntherAMVs
Аниме: To Aru no Railgun/Majutsu no Index I/II, Sayounara Zetsubou, Yogurting, K-On!, Fortune Arterial, Baka To Test, Yoko Stars, MM!, Macross Frontier, Bakemonogatari, Angel Beats, Crow's Song, Nichijou, Mawaru Penguindrum, The Tatami Galaxy, Lucky Star Rosario + Vampire, Idolmaster, Denpa Onna, C3, Munto, Eureka 7, Melancholy of Haruhi, Seitokai Yakuindomo
Музыка: David Guetta ft. Rihanna - Who's the Chick Monster Remix
Категория: Танцевальный

Описание: Shin: I'm more of hands off kind of teacher, so I dunno how useful I ended up being. We had a larger project planned at first, but we realized it would take too long to make the deadline, so we ended up shifting gears and went with a simpler dance style video.

GuntherAMVs: So, Shin and I started discussing Level Up back before Akross was even over, and we bounced ideas back and forth while working on Fate Matrix. We ended up with a really challenging concept I was excited about, but technical issues and time limits made it impossible. So we changed gears.

We decided to go for a dance-upbeat video, and I wanted to focus mostly on my transitions and timing, since those are Shin's strong suits. I also ended up learning alot about the technical side of editing as well. AMVsimple, MeGUI, and ZarxGUI among others were all new to me, but Shin walked me through them. Also, a big shoutout to JazzVids and Gotegenks for giving me advice on add layers and deinterlacing. Another shoutout to Pochomaluv and IleiaAMVs for being such good cheerleaders when I got down on myself.

My pro of course also gets my shoutout! He's been giving me pointers since the moment we met, I think xD. He's never refused a question, no matter how frequent or annoying. And when I forced him to watch beta after beta, he hardly complained. I'm sure this isn't the end of all the things I'll learn from him.

So, after a few months of work, I give you DISCO 4.0.

Клип участник Level Up 2012
 (голосов: 11)
| Танцевальный

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