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Добавил: Mittellspiel 21 | 3 апреля 2013 | Просмотров: 10359
Assassin's Creed: Beautiful Lies

Автор: hamps19
Аниме: Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Музыка: B-complex - Beautiful Lies
Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Категория: AMV Клипы, GMV

Описание: Who's the better Assassin?!
Not too much to say about this one. I really loved the song and the Assassin's Creed games, so I made this!

I'm a huge fan of the AC trailers, especially the UNKLE "Lonely Soul" and "Burn my Shadow Away" ones and wanted to do something similar in how they're basically just music videos. Plus, every fan made "trailer" or tribute to the series I can find is always just boring mash-ups of Ubisoft's official trailers and I was sick of seeing those.

It's tough making your own though, with no developer tools to control cameras or set anything up. I don't know how many times I had to manually align camera angles back and forth between the two games or have the tools I was using to slow the game down cause Altair or Ezio to just flip out and ragdoll into oblivion. Even so, I just played the game a whole lot and everything is shot, recorded, and edited myself. I hope you enjoy.

I might actually put together a bloopers video later of all the crazy mess ups that happened while I was frapsing. Some of them had me loling hard or just outright disgusted.

I want to give a huge thanks to Ubisoft and Hospital Records for the recognition, the tweets, the spotlight on the AC facebook, etc. I'm humbled by all of it and very excited that the creators of both this excellent music and game have even seen, let alone liked my video. I've read every comment and every PM sent to me by you guys as well, and I try to respond to all of it. I apologize if I've missed anyone, but I really do appreciate all the kind words.
 (голосов: 19)
| AMV Клипы, GMV

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#1 написал: Rom.coM

Репутация: 521

Группа: Новичок
Регистрация: 11.01.2012
прекрасная работа :) если честно,
то впервые вижу что-то стоящее на 'B-complex',
больше всего понравилось использование светофильтров и замедление,
хотя это и есть самое основное после подборки кадров, сделано отлично,
отсюда и оценка, релизёру + :)

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