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Добавил: Черный Ворон 1152 | 1 марта 2013 | Просмотров: 3349 |
Sacrificial Hope
Автор: MagicalHeatherAMVs
Аниме: Madoka Magica
Музыка: The Birthday Massacre - Kill the Lights
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: MagicalHeatherAMVs (novice): This was the first time that I've ever participated in the Level Up contest scene. I was never really aware of the contest actually, until I started participating in a different one and Irriadin was part of the contest hosting. After seeing all the work I've been doing in that, he suggested that I should participate in this one as one of his novices. So, special thanks to him for getting me involved! :P As for the video, I really enjoyed working on it and believe it's one of my better AMVs and I've learned a lot about editing really quickly and efficiently. Normally I like to take my time on these, but my time schedule wouldn't allow it. I still could use more learning time with effects, but I felt it was best to keep things simple and not too flashy or gaudy with this one. I wanted the video to shine on it's own with it's own emotion to it.
irriadin (pro): When MagicalHeather came to me with this song / anime combination, I knew it would work really well. The two work surprisingly well together... conveying the dark sense of quiet despair surrounding the story of Madoka Magica. This AMV specifically has a very melancholic feeling about it that makes it unique among the other AMVs using this show. MagicalHeather really nailed the atmosphere in Sacrificial Hope, and I was happy to help her.
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1 марта 2013 15:10 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 563 | |
1 марта 2013 15:40 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 117 | |
1 марта 2013 20:40 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 52 | Комментариев: 1539 | |
1 марта 2013 20:42 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 590 | |
4 марта 2013 23:42 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 247 | |
15 марта 2013 15:08 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 19 | |
5 октября 2013 17:18 | ICQ: -- |
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 75 | |
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