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Добавил: Черный Ворон 1152 | 8 ноября 2012 | Просмотров: 15150
Boom, Boom, BOOM!

Автор: potakun
Аниме: см. в описании
Музыка: The Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow
Награды: Winner for the Upbeat Rhythm category at Katsucon 2010
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы

Комментарий автора: My second AMV....
Not made with any over-arching themes except for Boom, Boom, then Pow... meaning Explosions, punches, and general randomness. Took about 6 months to complete actually as I just worked on it here and there, then really buckled down before Katsucon.

The batch export feature in FCP was a savior on this one... or else I would've had to be ANOTHER 1TB harddrive to store everything on. There isn't as much After Effects work in this one as the first or even the next one I'm working on, but I got a lot of value out of working with cuts only editing for the majority of the project. I'm especially happy with the one of the transitions we keyframed towards the end for the fight between Kenshin and Enishi (the slash with the light shine behind it).

My first time working with lipsyncing. =0 We tried two different apporaches, one with straight cuts between open mouths and closed mouths (I think that's pretty common) and the other (as seen in the "I'm on that HD flat" part) was to use time re-mapping with After Effects. I think that latter turned out smoother honestly but I think for the length of this project it would've been a little too much for me to handle at the time ;;; So I'm content with implementing it some other time.....

Добавлено по заказу Mugetsu

 (голосов: 18)
| AMV Клипы

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