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Добавил: Кассумия 1638 | 20 ноября 2020 | Просмотров: 1399
Festival of Souls

Автор: Anicsi
Аниме: AIR, Shinsekai Yori, NANA, Code Geas, True Tears, Barakamon, Hanabi, Free, Hal, Your Name, Black Cat, Silent Voice, Hotarubi no Mori e, Plastic Memories
Музыка: Edvin Marton - Art on Ice
Награды: Клип-победитель третьего раунда конкурса Project OrgEditor 2020
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы

Описание: Hi guys, as promised, here’s my first ‚new‘ video after about 5 years! (At least the first one I am uploading, hehe…) I decided to participate in the Project Org Editor contest again, because back in 2015 it inspired me to create some of my most cherished videos and with everything that’s going on, when would I ever find enough time again, right? There is something about pushing yourself to edit a video to a certain theme within a week that’s both challenging and inspiring. Admittedly, I enjoyed the experience more the last time around, but I am trying to find the passion and momentum I had for editing back in the day, so this is helping me tremendously.

Theme for this round was ‚‘tis the season’ and focused around holidays and seasons.

Obon in Japan is a buddhist festival during which the souls of the deceased are said to return back to earth. It is one of my most cherished memories from visiting Japan, and I wished we had a similar tradition to honor our loved ones. During the festival, families traditionally send their ancestors' spirits back to their dwelling place under the guidance of fire and dance. It is sad because it makes us think about people who passed, but it is also fun and happiness, and a bit of mystery and magic.

While editing this video, I had so many fond flashbacks of experiencing this festival a couple of years ago, and I tried to include everything I loved about it back then.

Today is All Saint’s Day in many parts of the world, a day when we visit the graves of people who passed before us, so I thought it would be more meaningful to upload the video in their memory.

Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy!
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#1 написал: Кассумия (Синекрылое создание)

Репутация: 1638

Группа: Администрация
Регистрация: 26.10.2012
Нестандартное виденье праздника и самой традиции, неплохо, очень даже неплохо.

Публикаций: 781 | Комментариев: 333 |    

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