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Добавил: Dgessi 2361 | 12 марта 2019 | Просмотров: 1736 |
Sedulous Noughts
Автор: Xophilarus
Студия: PixelBlended Studios
Аниме: Mo Dao Zu Shi
Музыка: Nightwish - Élan
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: Back at it with at action fam—although this one fall under dramaction probably. I've been slaving over this video for a little over a month and am quite happy with how it turned out! I was in the mood for editing with this genre of music again, and my search for sources led me to this one. Technically, this series is not an anime, it is Chinese, but it looked dope, so I decided to edit with it. This video was by far the trickest action video I have done so far. This music genre is difficult to edit because I have to match the beats and instrumentals of the song while also trying to keep up with the emotion of the vocals, but it was a really fun challenge! If you like cool fighting, gay boys, and historical/fantasy series, I recommend this. I will also make at least one other big video with this series after the second season has been released. I have one other big video, that's a collab, I plan to release soon that I plan to release as well! Also, special thanks to everyone that helped beta test this. There were a lot of you because this video was a struggle to get right, and it wouldn't have turned out nearly as well without that quality feedback.
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