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Добавил: Dgessi 2361 | 25 декабря 2018 | Просмотров: 1769 |
Pachyderm Panic
Автор: drewaconclusion
Аниме: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (TV, Movies 1-3, Concept movie)
Музыка: Disney Studio Chorus - Pink Elephants on Parade
Награды: Best Offbeat, Best Technical, Best Artistic Endeavor на Anime Weekend Atlanta VAT Pro 2018
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Перед просмотром клипа рекомендуется глянуть вот эту сцену из мультфильма "Дамбо" (1941)
Комментарий автора: This was a fun video to make. The concept was to make a Fantasia-like visual trip using Madoka Magica and the original Pink Elephants song. The idea came about from a conversation I had with hamstar138 back in February while she was trying to find new videos for her Disney AMV panel. After the conversation, I kept thinking about the combination and really loved the pairing, so I set my mind to make the video at some point this year. I let my thoughts about it gestate for a few months and at the end of May, I started editing it. As I started making it, I kind of let myself screw around with different ideas and be weird as I wanted with it. I wound up taking my time with it and was getting close to being done with it just before the AWA Pro deadline, so I decided to finish it for that contest.
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