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Добавил: Dgessi 2361 | 12 декабря 2018 | Просмотров: 1449 |
Автор: JadeCharm, Misao, Lapskaus
Аниме: Mix
Музыка: SIDO - Astronaut (feat. Andreas Bourani)
Награды: Connichi 2018 1st place exclusive Contest, Connichi 2018 Viewers Choice
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы
Описание: Комментарий автора: The winning AMV of the Connichi exclusive contest 2018. Made by JadeCharm, Misao and Lapskaus. English and Russian subtitles available, thanks to Pic4 and Minstrel! We tried to be very close to the original music video of the song and wanted to show the message of the song and video to another audience. Misao had the idea for the AMV since last year already, but it would've been too much work for one person to find the right scenes - so she asked JadeCharm and her husband Lapskaus for a collab. The actual work for the project started in early June this year and even though the actual editing is rather simple, A LOT of time got into finding scenes that fit with the song, the original video and our interpretation of it. A funny anecdote for that: JadeCharm searched about 3 days to find the perfect butterfly scene to fill the 20 frames in the beginning ... if you're interested, check out the original video.
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