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Добавил: Кассумия 1638 | 12 июня 2015 | Просмотров: 3296
Chains Anime Mix AMV (Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis)

Автор: AwesomeDarkness
Музыка: Sam Tsui & Kina Grannis - Chains
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы, Действие

Описание: Hello everybody~ Just came from a DCM and it was pretty awesome~
So I’m aware that the Chains Anime Mix AMV was taken down so I made another one; but I used a cover this time. And honestly, I must say that this version is way better than the other one, in both music and anime choices so I hope you all enjoy :) I’m sorry I haven’t been making requests *bows down in apology* I will try to make them as soon as I have time.
Please watch the video in HD. :)
Please rate/comment/subscribe?
Check out my other vids by clicking the watermark. :)
Don’t forget to check out my channel. ;)

Remember requests are always welcome :) Just leave a comment on my discussion tab, video, or send me a private message. Private messages are preferred since my notification box is usually packed with other things that I may accidently miss a request. Requests require a wait since I only make videos on the weekend considering my busy school schedule. I thank you in advance for your patience.

Next three requests:
“Give You What You Like”: Avril Lavigne
“Radioactive”: Imagine Dragons
“Demons”: Imagine Dragons
*Please note that this is not the full list of requests. Every time I finish a request, I will add an additional one to the list*

Also…PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY VIDEOS WITHOUT PERMISSION. I see several of my videos under different uploaders and some don’t give credit. -_- If you would like to use them, please message me first. Giving credit is appreciated as well.

This video is made for the sole use of entertainment. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED. The following is a list of who rightfully

Добавлено по заказу Maxthon99

 (голосов: 13)
| AMV Клипы, Действие

Внимание! Если AMV не работает!

1. Загляните в раздел FAQ, пункт 2.
2. Не помогло? Уверены что проблема возникла не с вашей стороны? Тогда пишите нам, будем исправлять. :)

#1 написал: KinoIIInik

Репутация: 7

Группа: Новичок
Регистрация: 21.08.2012
музыка качествено подобрана мне нравится aha 
Публикаций: 0 | Комментариев: 21 |    

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