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Добавил: Черный Ворон | 2 октября 2012 | Просмотров: 6229
Don't Stop

Автор: Kazuko
Аниме: Fate / Zero
Музыка: Papercut Massacre - Lose My Life
Категория: AMV Клипы

Приятного просмотра.

Добавлено по заказу Elekem
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Добавил: New_Overmind | 1 октября 2012 | Просмотров: 4206
Blue Morning

Автор: Centurione
Студия: Sugasugashi Studio
Аниме: Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Музыка: Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance
Категория: Character Profile

Комментарий автора: One of my older videos. As I've always loved Oren Lavie's 'Her Morning Elegance' I wanted to edit something with it. Even though I didn't watch Denpa, I thought the main character was cute enough to fit here. Actually, that was the first time I've ever used VDub for cutting scenes instead of converting everything to wmv^^. That gives you an image of how nooby it was.

Well, I hope you enjoy, anyway!
  • 85
| Character Profile | Комментарии (6)

Добавил: New_Overmind | 1 октября 2012 | Просмотров: 4824
End of the road

Автор: SiK
Студия: Argen Team
Аниме: Another, Suzumiya Haruhi No Shoushitsu
Музыка: Charlie Clouser - Shithole Theme
Награды: 1st Place at IC ZA 1st edition
Категория: Психоделический, Инструментальный, Ужастик, История

Комментарий автора: Made in 2 days for a Iron Chef.

The story that the AMV tells it's about Kyon, a normal school student. He feels an odd presence (that would be Misaki) that grows more frecuent, to the point he meets her. Misaki takes the rol of ghost, so to speak. He is surprised because he recognizes her, then he tries to scape, although that's useless. The title "End of the road" makes reference to Kyon's life end.

Картинка Making Of к клипу
  • 68
| Психоделический, Инструментальный, Ужастик, История | Комментарии (5)

Добавил: New_Overmind | 1 октября 2012 | Просмотров: 5573
Welcome to the DEAD ZONE

Автор: Fenx
Аниме: Highschool of the Dead
Музыка: Egypt Central - Kick Ass
Категория: Действие

Комментарий автора: Hi everyone! Well, here's my... 4th AMV (well, in fact is my 3rd AMV, the first one was just a test...), this time about Highschool of the Dead. I will start making shorter AMVs (-1:50min), so I will upload videos more often.

As always, feel free to comment, critique, etc etc,
  • 85
| Действие | Комментарии (7)

Добавил: Ньярлатотеп | 30 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 3554

Автор: т___Т, maxez
Аниме: One Piece
Музыка: Dope Stars Inc. – Neuromantics
Категория: AMV Клипы

Короче мы с товарищем готовились к S.O.S.у, пиво, рыбка, девочки, анимка бар, ну и решили мв запилить, перед этим точнув Ван Пис по бырцу, прихожу я к собрату своему и говорю переежай ко мне мв пилить, а он такой ок, и в итоге все ровно за последние трое суток без сна напилили.
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (3)

Добавил: Ньярлатотеп | 29 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 4708
Angel's Music

Автор: Okami
Аниме: Angel Beats
Музыка: Two Door Cinema Club - Eat That Up, It's Good For You
Категория: AMV Клипы

Комментарий автора: Hey guys! Finally I have made a new amv. This video was born one month ago after I was listening to "Eat That Up, It's Good For You" a great song about Two Door Cinema Club. An that period I was watching Angel Beats and I really liked, so I started immediately the video. There isn't anything particular I have made it only for fun. A post-video before AKROSS Con 2012 :O
Special thanks Mirkosp for the encode!
In order to view the Hi10P you should check if you have a recent enough playback setup. CCCP is suggested, alternatives are MPlayer2 and VLC2.
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (8)

Добавил: Черный Ворон | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 7612
First Kiss

Автор: Glitzer
Аниме: 5 Centimeters Per Second, Ah! My Goddess, Air, Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, Black Lagoon, Clannad, Claymore, Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion, Code Geass: Lelouch Of The Rebellion R2, Eden Of The East, Eden: They Were The Only Two On The Planet, Ef - A Tale Of Memories, Eureka Seven, Familiar Of Zero, Fate/ Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works, Heroic Age, Kanon, Kara No Kyoukai - The Garden Of Sinners, Kobato, Macross Frontier: Itsuwari No Utahime, Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya, Ouran High School Host Club, Samurai 7, Shuffle!, Spice And Wolf, Tales Of Vesperia, Tears To Tiara, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Parallel Works, Toradora!, True Tears, Utawarerumono
Музыка: Matt Nathanson - Come On, Get Higher
Возрастное ограничение: 14+
Категория: AMV Клипы

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
~ Ingrid Bergman

Concept: I hope to portray how beautiful affection can be. Because a fair amount of AMVs involving romance tend to express a darker side to love, it is my intent to show those who delight in desire. The idea for implementing still-images into the process is derived from my interest in anime vectors and wallpapers. My inspiration is little more than realizing the vast amount of works devoted to replicating certain scenes in anime, and applying them accordingly.

Добавлено по заказу Elekem
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| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (6)

Добавил: Черный Ворон | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 4820
So Long Sentiment

Автор: см. в описании
Аниме: см. в описании
Музыка: Celldweller - So long Sentiment
Категория: AMV Клипы


Комментарий автора: OMG... it is finally done. ULTRA-beat's second MEP. We had so many issues while making this so it is super late. We originally wanted this uploaded for Halloween but many of us were busy and some people even had to drop out. I want to thank Luna and Kuromi! They did two parts!
So... anyway... we all worked really hard to make this come out good. We decided to go for a dark theme this time(because it was originally for Halloween). I prefer upbeat things, but I still love the way this came out. Good job UBS. Enjoy the MEP everyone!

(Oh and just in case anyone is confused... xLUNAxSHINOBUx are twin sisters)

Добавлено по заказу Elekem

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| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (7)

Добавил: Черный Ворон | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 3595
Broken Zakuro

Автор: kazuko90
Аниме: Otome Youkai Zakuro /Demon Girl Zakuro
Музыка: Broken Iris - Broken Inside
Категория: AMV Клипы


Комментарий автора: Special Thanks for the intro Mystyk!! Its so awwwww *A* And also thanks Heni, that u didnt let me drop this project. Even thought sometimes i wanted sooo much. So thanks :3

Добавлено по заказу Elekem
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| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (5)

Добавил: Черный Ворон | 28 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 3525

Автор: xMayuAmakurax
Аниме: Clannad,Code Geass, Chrno Crusade, Kobato, Gurren Lagann, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Bleach, Black Cat, Romeo x Juliet
Музыка: SIA - My Love
Категория: AMV Клипы


Добавлено по заказу Elekem
  • 68
| AMV Клипы | Комментарии (7)


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